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Parking/Accessibility Accommodations

The university requires all vehicles parked on campus to have a current parking permit with the exception of designated Visitor Parking areas.

Individuals in need of a parking accommodation due to a permanent disability will need to complete a request for a parking accommodation and bring their state- issued handicapped placard or hang tag issued by the Office of Motor Vehicles to the university’s Office of Transportation Services. Additional information may be required by your treating physician for the specific condition which limits your mobility.

Request for Temporary Disability Parking Accommodations

The Office of Transportation Services offers short-term, temporary disability parking for employees whose temporary disability impacts mobility and is needed for less than (3) three months. In addition to these temporary medical permits, handicapped-accessible buses are available on campus and can be utilized to mitigate any temporary mobility limitations. Individuals in need of a temporary medical parking accommodation will need to request an accommodation. Additional information may be required by your treating physician for the specific condition which limits your mobility.

Request a Parking Accommodation

Temporary medical permits are not allowed to park within a handicapped space unless a valid, state-issued handicapped placard or license plate has been issued by the Office of Motor Vehicles. Individuals whose conditions require that medical parking be granted for longer than a (3) three-month period are encouraged to obtain a state-issued mobility-impaired license plate or hang tag.