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Performance Management

Performance Evaluations

The performance evaluation is an important tool to support the professional development of University employees.  Evaluations provide an opportunity to recognize employees' contributions, and to encourage collaboration between supervisors and employees in aligning  goals and performance with the mission and values of the University.

Evaluations for Classified Employees

Classified employees of the University are evaluated on a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) basis in accordance with Louisiana State Civil Service rules, through the  Performance Evaluation System (PES) in Cornerstone. Supervisors of Classified employees outline behavior and work expectations at the start of each fiscal year. Employees are rated at the conclusion of each fiscal year.

At its General Business meeting held on May 1, 2024, the State Civil Service Commission voted to change the rating period for Classified employees from a fiscal year to a calendar year.  The Transition PES task will Plan and Rate for Performance from July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024.

Instructions for Planning

    Step 1: Evaluating Supervisor
    Step 2: Second Level Review
    Step 3: Evaluating Supervisor Discussion and Sign-Off
    Step 4:  Employee Acknowledgement

Instructions for Rating

    Step 1: Evaluating Supervisor
    Step 2: Second Level Review
    Step 3: Evaluating Supervisor Discussion and Sign-Off
    Step 4:  Employee Acknowledgement

Instructions for Transition Rating

    Step 1: Evaluating Supervisor
    Step 2: Second Level Review
    Step 3: Evaluating Supervisor Discussion and Sign-Off
    Step 4:  Employee Acknowledgement

More information on PES can be found via the link below:

Evaluations for Faculty Members

Faculty members are evaluated annually on a calendar year basis (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) based on their performance during the previous year.  Faculty receive ratings based on Teaching, Research, Service and Administration (if applicable).  Department Heads and Deans provide ratings that can be reviewed by the Provost.

    Step 1: Faculty Member Self Evaluation
    Step 2: Department Head Review
    Step 3: Dean Review
    Step 4: Faculty Member Acknowledgement


Evaluations for Unclassified Staff

Unclassified Staff members of the University are evaluated annually on a fiscal year basis (July 1 – June 30) based on their performance during the previous fiscal year.  Supervisors rate employees based on their progress towards goals and competencies.

Tips for Employees and Supervisors in completing Performance Tasks

Fiscal Year Planning Task

   Step 1:  Employee Self-Plan
   Step 2:  Supervisor Plan review, Discussion and Sign
   Step 3:  Employee Acknowledgement

Fiscal Year Rating Task

  Step 1:  Employee Self-Rate
  Step 2:  Supervisor Rate, Discussion and Sign
  Step 3:  Employee Acknowledgement


Evaluations for Executive and Senior Administrators

    Step 1: Self-Review
    Step 2: Supervisor Review
    Step 3: Employee Acknowledgement